Covid-19 Protocols

Big Shot Basketball is committed to a safe and responsible environment. We follow and adhere to all the state guidelines and restrictions. 

COVID-19 Return to Play: Phase 3 Protocols
  1. Athletes MUST wear a mask from their cars into the athletic center
  2. Athletes MUST wear a mask immediately after training & leaving the athletic center until in their cars
  3. Athletes will maintain 6-foot social distancing at all times while not training
  4. No huddles
  5. No touching… no high fives, no fist bumps, no hugs, no pat on the backs
  6. No spectators allowed in the athletic facility… all non-athletes must remain in their cars
  7. Athletes are permitted to enter the athletic center 20 minutes prior to the scheduled training session
  8. Athletes will have their temperatures taken upon entering training sessions daily
  9. Athletes will sanitize their hands upon entering training sessions daily
  10. Athletes need to bring their own water bottles
  11. Athletes need to bring their own sweat towels
  12. Athletes need to come dressed to train
  13. Athletes will be provided a basketball to train with… do not bring basketballs
  14. Basketballs will be disinfected before and after each tryout session
  15. BSB coaches will wear facemasks
  16. BSB coaches will wash/sanitize their hands before every daily session
  17. No locker rooms will be provided
  18. Bathrooms will be limited to two athletes at a time
  19. No water fountain usage
  20. No vending machines